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10 interesting facts about the AIIMS hospital Delhi

1. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi is the premier medical institute of India, established in 1956.

2. AIIMS Delhi has a total bed capacity of 2,287 and provides medical care to patients from all over the country.

3. AIIMS is home to over 6,000 staff members, including doctors, nurses, lab technicians, pharmacists, and administrators.

4. AIIMS has some of the most advanced medical technologies available in India, including MRI, CT scan, and digital X-ray machines.

5. AIIMS offers a full range of medical services, including pediatrics, cardiology, urology, oncology, radiology, and neurology.

6.  AIIMS Delhi is a major teaching and research institution and has over 1,000 postgraduate and doctoral students.

7. AIIMS has a total of 13 faculties, each with its own department and specialized faculty members.

8. The AIIMS hospital has over 500 beds in its emergency department and offers round-the-clock services.

9.  AIIMS has a strong research focus, and the hospital has over 1,000 research projects and collaborations underway.

10.  AIIMS is a not-for-profit medical institution and provides medical services to patients free of cost.